[DJ节目]为你读英语美文的DJ节目 第637期

夏洛的网 · Sally(为你读英语美文)

为你读英语美文 · 第53期 夏洛的网 · Sally 主播:Sally 录制地点:江西南昌 2014年10月,是经典频出的一个月,第49期 But You Didn’t, 第50期《当你老了》,第51期 One Day, 第52期《追忆逝水年华》,第53期《夏洛的网》分别成为了潇雨,永清,Sean, 严喆和Sally的代表作,8年过去了,这些节目也依旧被很多朋友记得。8年过去了,我们的生活也发生了很大的变化。 潇雨回到了长沙工作,去年结婚的时候,永清和Sally还去参加了潇雨的婚礼,潇雨还在养猫,并且救助了很多流浪的毛孩子,最近还迷上了潜水,变成美人鱼噜! 永清从北京回到了家乡云南,虽然没有再从事以前的工作,但依旧运营着节目,依旧在健身,享受着云南的一切和家人的陪伴,家里还养了一只金毛,现在每天遛狗已经成了永清生活的一部分。 Sean从多伦多大学毕业以后,留在了多伦多工作,Sean养了一只柯基,最近还去看了Imagine Dragons的演唱会。 严喆在德国,认真严谨地进行着博士学业,尽管道阻且长,但严喆仍旧坚持着自己的梦想,他说:“Be brave and try to live your dreams, they are not as impossible as sometimes they may seem.” Sally研究生毕业以后,留在了广州工作,如今是一名高中语文老师,课余还在写作,潜水,探戈。永清和潇雨都说“你永远可以相信Sally”,她永远不会让你失望,她是那种话虽不多,却在用行动爱着朋友的人。我们都好爱Sally! 8年前在听这期节目的你,8年后的你近况如何?欢迎留言和我们分享哦。 今天要回顾的是第53期《夏洛的网》。 片段 1 故事发生的地点 The barn was very large. It was very old. It smelled of hay and it smelled of manure. It smelled of the perspiration of tired horses and the wonderful sweet breath of patient cows. 谷仓很大,也很旧。里面全是干草和粪肥的气味。还有种跑累了的马身上的汗味儿与好脾气的母牛喷出的奇妙的香甜味道。 It often had a sort of peaceful smell -- as though nothing bad could happen ever again in the world. It smelled of grain and of harness dressing and of axle grease and of rubber boots and of new rope. 空气中常驻的,是一种和平的气息——好像这个世界上再不会有坏事情发生了。这里偶尔还会有谷粒的香味,马具上的草料味,车子上的润滑油味,橡胶靴子味,或是新扎的草绳味儿。 And whenever the cat was given a fish-head to eat, the barn would smell of fish. But mostly it smelled of hay, for there was always hay in the great loft up overhead. And there was always hay being pitched down to the cows and the horses and the sheep. 如果猫儿叼着人们扔给他的鱼头到这里来享受时,谷仓里就会多了股鱼腥味儿。不过,这里面最浓的味道却是干草味儿,因为谷仓上面的大阁楼里总是堆满了干草。这些干草被不断的扔给下面的母牛、马、绵羊们吃。 The barn was pleasantly warm in winter when the animals spent most of their time indoors, and it was pleasantly cool in summer when the big doors stood wide open to the breeze. 冬天,当动物们在外面呆久了,回来后会觉得这个谷仓格外的温暖;而夏天呢,当谷仓的门大大敞开着,微风吹进来,这里又变得说不出的凉爽。 ▽ 片段 2 主人公威伯第一次遇见夏洛时的情形 "Salutations!" said the voice. “致敬!”那个声音说。 Wilbur jumped to his feet. "Salu-what?" he cried. 威伯跳了起来。“致什么?”他问。 "Salutations!" said the voice. “致敬!”那声音重复道。 "What are they, and where are you?" screamed Wilbur. "Please, please, tell me where you are. And what are salutations?" “这个词儿是什么意思,你又在哪儿?”威伯尖叫起来。“求求你,求求你,告诉我你在哪儿吧。还有,致敬是什么意思?” "Salutations are greetings," said the voice. "When I say 'salutations,' it's just my fancy way of saying hello or good morning. Actually, it's a silly expression, and I am surprised that I used it at all. As for my whereabouts, that's easy. Look up here in the corner of the doorway! Here I am. Look, I'm waving!" “致敬是句问候用语,”那个声音说道。“当我说‘致敬’,就等于对你说‘你好’或是‘早上好’。实际上,这是种愚蠢的表达方式,真奇怪我刚才怎么会用这么一个词儿。你想知道我在哪儿吗?那很容易。往门框上角看!我在这儿。看,我在挥手哩!” Last, Wilbur saw the creature that had spoken to him in such a kindly way. Stretched across the upper part of the doorway was a big spider web, and hanging from the top of the web, head down, was a gray large spider. She was about the size of a gumdrop. She had eight legs, and she was waving one of them at Wilbur in friendly greeting. "See me now?" she asked. 威伯终于找到了如此友善的和自己交谈的动物。门框的上方拉着一张大蜘蛛网,一只大灰蜘蛛正倒挂在网的高处。她只有一粒树胶糖丸那么大。她长着八条腿,正用其中的一条腿友好地对威伯致意呢。“现在看到我了?”她问。 "Oh, yes indeed," said Wilbur. "Yes indeed! How are you? Good morning! Salutations! Very pleased to meet you. What is your name, please? May I have your name?" “噢,确实看见了,”威伯说。“确实看见了!你好!早上好!致敬!很高兴认识你。请问芳名?我可以问你的名字吗?” "My name," said the spider," is Charlotte." “我的名字,”蜘蛛说,“叫夏洛。” "Charlotte what?" asked Wilbur, eagerly. “夏洛什么?”威伯渴切地问。 "Charlotte A. Cavatica. But just call me Charlotte." “夏洛·A·卡瓦蒂娜。你就叫我夏洛好了。” "I think you're beautiful," said Wilbur. “我觉得你真很漂亮。”威伯说。 片段 3 夏洛为威伯织网之后威伯身上发生的变化 Wilbur was now the center of attraction on the farm. Good food and regular hours were showing results: Wilbur was a pig any man would be proud of. One day more than a hundred people came to stand at his yard and admire him. 威伯现在是农场里最引人注目的。那些不断送来的美餐和定期来参观的人流足以表明这一点:威伯是一头令任何人都足以骄傲的猪。每天都有超过一百人在他的院子里赞美他 Charlotte had written the word RADIANT, and Wilbur really looked radiant as he stood in the golden sunlight. Ever since the spider had befriended him, he had done his best to live up to his reputation. 夏洛已经把写有“闪光”字样的网织好了。在金色的阳光下的威伯看起来也真的闪闪发光。自从这只蜘蛛帮助了他以后,他一直在尽力使自己做得更好。 When Charlotte's web said SOME PIG, Wilbur had tried hard to look like some pig. When Charlotte's web said TERRIFIC, Wilbur had tried to look terrific. And now that the web said RADIANT, he did everything possible to make himself glow. 当夏洛的网里写着“好猪”时,威伯努力使自己看上去像头好猪;当夏洛的网里织着“很棒”时,威伯又勉力使自己看起来很棒;现在那网里说“闪光”,他便尽可能的去做每一件使自己闪光的事。 It is not easy to look radiant, but Wilbur threw himself into it with a will. He would turn his head slightly and blink his long eyelashes. Then he would breathe deeply. And when his audience grew bored, he would spring into the air and do a back flip with a half twist. 看上去能闪光并不容易,但威伯还是愿意这样去努力。他会轻轻地晃着脑袋,让他长长的睫毛闪闪颤动起来。然后他再做一个深呼吸。当他的观众看腻了这些,他就会跳起来做一个后空翻。 At this the crowd would yell and cheer. "How's that for a pig?" Mr. Zuckerman would ask, well pleased with himself. "That pig is radiant." 这时人群将会大声喝起彩来。“那猪怎么样?”祖克曼先生会满心自豪地问别人。“那猪真是闪闪发光。” 字符有限,完整文本请移步“为你读英语美文”公众号

