K歌带你飞! 那个改变你的人,成了你心的样子 Shape of My Heart(英语PK台)

周二三四下午2点视频直播:【一直播】英语PK台 微信公众号:【英语PK台】推送直播全文本 京晶抖音:1604401542 趣味英语学习小视频 B站官方:英语PK台 直播视频精华剪辑​ Shape of My Heart 是老牌摇滚歌手Sting的经典作品,1994年经典电影《这个杀手不太冷》的片尾曲,用纸牌占卜寓意的四种花色隐喻对权力、金钱、武力,人心做出的选择,吟唱一个孤独的人穷尽一生对真心的追求,当遇到那个彻底改变你的人,最深沉的心事被触碰,坚硬的防护被融化,才终于看见了“心的形状” 。 Song: Shape of My Heart Duration: 4:36 Artist: Sting 知识点: Spades 黑桃 Diamonds 方片 Hearts 红桃 Clubs 梅花 Verse 1 He deals the cards as ^ a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He don't play for respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of ^a probable^ outcome The numbers lead ^a dance Chorus副歌 I know that the spades are the swords ^of^ a soldier I know that the clubs^ are weapons ^of war I know that diamonds mean money for this^ art But that's not the shape^ of my heart Verse 2 He may play the jack^ of diamonds He may lay the queen^ of spades He may conceal a king^ in his hand While the memory of ^it fades Chorus副歌 I know that the spades are the swords ^of^ a soldier I know that the clubs^ are weapons ^of war I know that diamonds mean money for this^ art But that's not the shape^ of my heart Verse 3 And ^if ^I told^ you that^ I loved ^you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask^ I wear^ is one Well, those who speak know nothing And find^ out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost Chorus副歌 I know that the spades are the swords ^of^ a soldier I know that the clubs^ are weapons ^of war I know that diamonds mean money for this^ art But that's not the shape^ of my heart

