Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday 21.06 Keep Low(MT微口语)
Magic Tree House Civil War on Sunday 21.06 Keep Low The wagon jerked and swayed as it bumped over the dry ground. 马车在干旱的地面上颠簸着,摇晃着。 Jack felt as though he were frying pan the hot sunlight. Dust from the road filled his throat and eyes. 杰克觉得自己好像在烈日下煎锅。路上的灰尘充满了他的喉咙和眼睛。 The boom of cannons grew louder and louder. Jack heard popping sounds, too, like the noise of firecrackers. 大炮的轰鸣声越来越大。杰克也听到了类似鞭炮的声音。 "What's that popping noise?"he shouted, blinded by the dust and sunlight. “那是什么爆裂声?”他喊道,被灰尘和阳光弄得睁不开眼。 "Musket fire!"said Clara. “火枪开火!”克拉拉说。 Jack remembered that muskets were long, old-fashioned guns. 杰克记得火枪是又长又旧的枪。 "What are those flashes?"asked Annie. “那些闪光是什么?”安妮问。 Jack tried to open his eyes and see what she was talking about. 杰克试图睁开眼睛,看看她在说什么。 He saw bright flashes of light in the distance and puffs of smoke in the sky. 他看到远处明亮的闪光和天空中的烟雾。 "Cannon shells exploding," said Clara Bar-ton."Shells are like small bombs.They have ruined much farmland." “炮弹爆炸了,”克拉拉·巴-顿说。“炮弹就像小炸弹。他们毁了许多农田。” Jack squinted at the passing countryside.The ground was filled with ugly holes. Long ditches were also cut through the fields. 杰克眯着眼睛看着路过的乡村。地上布满了丑陋的洞。田野上也有长长的沟渠。 "Did the shells make those ditches, too?"he asked. “那些沟渠也是炮弹打的吗?”他问道。 "No. Those are trenches the soldiers dug for a battle," Clara said."Each side digs their own. Day after day, they sit in the trenches, firing their muskets at one another." “不。那些是士兵们为战斗挖的战壕,”克拉拉赛德说。“双方各挖各的。日复一日,他们坐在树林里,用火枪互相射击。” Jack tried to imagine how terrible it would be to sit in a trench all day, waiting to be shot - or waiting to shoot someone else. 杰克试图想象整天坐在壕沟里,等着被射杀,或者等着射杀别人是多么可怕。 "We have to get some water," said Clara. “我们得弄些水来,”克拉拉说。 She drove the wagon to a narrow creek. A stream of water flowed downhill, running over rocks. 她把马车开到一条狭窄的小溪边。一股水流顺坡而下,流过岩石。 The wagon came to a halt. Jack heard a whistling sound, then another. 马车停了下来。另一方面,杰克听到了一声口哨声。 "Keep low!"cried Clara. “蹲下!”克拉拉喊道。 "What's that?"Jack asked."Cannon fire!"she said. Jack and Annie crouched down in the driver's seat. “那是什么?”杰克问。“炮火!”她说。杰克和安妮蹲在驾驶座上。 Jack felt a rush of panic.He pulled out their list.His hands were shaking as he read: 杰克感到一阵恐慌。他拿出了他们的名单。他读着读着,手在颤抖: Be brave. Oh, great, he thought. 勇敢点哦,太好了,他想。 Another cannon shell whizzed overhead, then another. 又一枚炮弹在头顶呼啸而过,接着又是一枚。 The ground exploded over and over in flashes of light. Dirt clods flew everywhere. Clouds of smoke and more dust filled the air. 地面在闪光中一次又一次爆炸。脏东西到处飞。空气中弥漫着烟云和更多的灰尘。 The horses neighed and whinnied. 马嘶鸣着。 Be brave!Jack thought.Be brave! 勇敢点!杰克想。勇敢点!