天空漆黑 没有星辰 太阳也无影无踪\N♪ There's no stars, there's no sun ♪ 每个人都不停摆 墙上闹钟摘下来\N♪ No time off for anyone, there's no clock on the wall ♪ 虚无缥缈前路无尽头\N♪ There's no end to it all ♪ 每个人都要加班 便也无所谓加班\N♪ Everyone's on overtime and there's no overtime ♪ 回望你的一生 只需一把善恶天平秤\N♪ Oh your book of life is weighed on a good, bad divider ♪ 若判官愤世嫉俗\N♪ Oh there's much to much to grade ♪ 下决定就如写一本厚书\N♪ For a cynical decider ♪ 这怎么可能有用\N♪ This is hardly working ♪ 这如何能叫生活?\N♪ This is hardly living ♪ 这是我的工作\N♪ This is my job. ♪