Multiply Milestones(英语铺子)

Multiply Milestones Hitting a milestone sparks pride. Think about how good it feels to flip through the stamps on your passport. Success comes from pushing to the finish line. What milestones do is compel us to make that push, because (a) they're within our grasp, and (b) we've chosen them precisely because they're worth reaching for. LEVEL 1: Commit to one violin lesson per week, and practice 15 minutes per day for six months. LEVEL 2: Relearn how to read sheet music and complete Celtic Fiddle Tunes by Craig Duncan. LEVEL 3: Learn to play "Concerning Hobbits" from The Fellowship of the Ring on the violin. LEVEL 4: Sit and play the fiddle for 30 minutes with other musicians. LEVEL 5: Learn to play "Promontory" from The Last of the Mohicans on the violin. BOSS BATTLE: Sit and play the fiddle for 30 minutes in a pub in Ireland. LEVEL1: Order meal in Spanish. LEVEL 2: Have a simple conversation in Spanish with a taxi driver. LEVEL 3: Glance at Spanish newspaper and understand at least one headline. LEVEL4: Follow the action in Spanish cartoon. LEVEL 5: Read a kindergarten-level book in Spanish. LEVEL 1: Try to squeeze in a Spanish study session. LEVEL 2: Try to squeeze in a Spanish study session. LEVEL 3: Try to squeeze in a Spanish study session. LEVEL 4: Try to squeeze in a Spanish study session. LEVEL 5: Try to squeeze in a Spanish study session. DESTINATION: Someday, eventually: "know" Spanish. Milestones define moments that are conquerable and worth conquering.

