更多卡卡老师分享公众号:卡卡课堂 卡卡老师微信:kakayingyu001 送你一份卡卡老师学习大礼包,帮助你在英文学习路上少走弯路 很多人都用刷视频的方式来放松, 今天我们分享一些刷视频时必备的英文, 快点学起来吧! clip [klɪp] This short clip is really inspiring. 这个短视频真的很鼓舞人心。 browse [braʊz] I like to browse through videos on my phone during my break. 我喜欢在休息的时候在手机上刷视频。 scroll [skrəʊl] He scrolled the video to find something interesting. 他刷视频来寻找有趣的东西。 like [laɪk] If you like this video, please give it a like. 如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞。 thumbs - up [θʌmz ʌp] I got a lot of thumbs - up for my video. 我的视频得到了很多点赞。 comment [ˈkɒment] She left a nice comment under the video. 她在视频下面留了一条很好的评论。 share [ʃeə(r)] Please share this video with your friends. 请把这个视频分享给你的朋友。 follow [ˈfɒləʊ] I decided to follow this content creator because her videos are amazing. 我决定关注这个内容创作者,因为她的视频太棒了。 subscribe [səbˈskraɪb] Many people subscribe to his YouTube channel. 很多人订阅他的 YouTube 频道。 recommend [ˌrekəˈmend] The app will recommend videos according to your interests. 这个应用会根据你的兴趣推荐视频。