[DJ节目]卡卡课堂Jessica的DJ节目 第2204期

英文童趣小诗-It is a Pleasant Day今天是美好的一天(卡卡课堂Jessica)

更多卡卡老师分享公众号:卡卡课堂 卡卡老师微信:kakayingyu001 送你一份卡卡老师学习大礼包,帮助你在英文学习路上少走弯路  It is a Pleasant Day 《今天是美好的一天》   每当到了周末, 最好的放松方式,就是回到大自然的怀抱, 尽情享受她给我们的馈赠。 大自然就像一座充满欢乐的乐园, 处处洋溢着生机与活力。 今天,分享一首充满童趣的小诗, 带我们回到纯真的童年。   Come, my children, come away! 来啊孩子们,出来玩! For the sun shines bright today. 今天的阳光无比灿烂。 Little children come with me, 小朋友们,快跟我来, Birds, and brooks, and posies see; 鸟儿小溪鲜花多可爱; Get your hats and come away, 快拿好帽子,出来玩, For it is a pleasant day. 今天是美好的一天!   Everything is laughing, singing. 四处都是欢歌和笑语, All the pretty flowers are springing. 花儿开放,桃红柳绿。 See the kitten full of fun 快来看那可爱的小猫, Sporting in the pleasant sun! 在阳光下面尽情玩耍。 Children too may sport and play, 孩子们啊,快出来玩! For it is a pleasant day. 今天是美好的一天!   Bring the hoop and bring the ball, 拿出皮球,拿出铁环, Come with happy faces all. 小朋友们都喜眉笑眼。 Let us make a merry ring, 兴高采烈站成一个圈, Talk and laugh, and dance and sing, 跳舞唱歌,欢笑交谈, Quickly, quickly, come away! 快啊,快啊,出来玩! For it is a pleasant day. 今天是美好的一天!

