Peter Holman - The Branch, the Mighty Branch Behold "Nativity"
The Parley of Instruments - The People That Walked in Darkness "An Anthem"
Luke Green - Yorkshire "Stockport" (Interludes by Goodwin)
Peter Holman - Adeste fideles (Arr. Novello)
Peter Holman - Strike! Seraphs, Strike Your Harps of Gold "A New Christmas Piece"
Peter Holman - Arise and Hail the Sacred Day "A Carol"
Luke Green - Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending (Arr. Miller, Interludes by S. Wesley)
Psalmody - Come Celebrate th' Auspicious Morn "A Carol"
Peter Holman - In Bethlem Fields as Shepherds Kept "Hymn for Christmas Day"
Claire Tomlin - How Beauteous Are Their Feet "Zion"
Luke Green - Joy to the World
Psalmody - Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices?
Peter Holman - Cranbrook
Adrian Peacock - Horrible Is the End of th' Unrighteous Generation
Psalmody - Tell Us, O Women "Dialogue Hymn"
Peter Holman - My God, My King, With Joyful View
Peter Holman - Long Life Shall Israel's King Behold
Peter Holman - The Lord, th' Almighty Monarch, Spake
Psalmody - The God of Gods, the Lord, Hath Call'd
Peter Holman - Blest Be the Name of Jacob's God
Psalmody - O Let Me in th' Accepted Hour
Claire Tomlin - Give to God Our Thankful Songs (Arr. W. Gardiner)
Peter Holman - Where, Lord, Shall I My Refuge See?
Catherine Bott - Alfred: Rule, Britannia
Psalmody - This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
Patrick McCarthy - The Lord Is Risen
Psalmody - Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed?
Peter Holman - Yes! the Redeemer Rose
Peter Holman - Unveil Thy Bosom, Faithful Tomb (Arr. Miller from the Dead March in Saul)
The Parley of Instruments - Rejoice the Lord Is King! (Arr. S. Wesley)
Philippa Hyde - Now Is Christ Risen from the Dead
Peter Holman - I Heard a Voice from Heaven
Adrian Peacock - Christ Being Raised from the Dead
Adrian Peacock - Spirit, Leave Thine House of Clay!
Peter Holman - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
The Parley of Instruments - Hark! How All the Welkin Rings (Arr. Butts)
Peter Holman - Cranbrook
Psalmody - There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field
Peter Holman - Let an Anthem of Praise (Arr. Ashworth)
The Parley of Instruments - Georgia
Peter Holman - As Shepherds Watched Their Fleecy Care
Peter Holman - Angels from the Realms of Glory
Peter Holman - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night