Nicholas Isherwood
Nicholas Isherwood热门歌曲
Nicholas Isherwood - Phonophonie
Nicholas Isherwood - Le livre du labyrinthe: V. Meurtre
stéphane de gérando - Issons des traces
stéphane de gérando - Homometric attractor 2
stéphane de gérando - Macrobiotique point zéro
stéphane de gérando - La Mique
stéphane de gérando - Horizon chaotique
stéphane de gérando - Day of dead
stéphane de gérando - Fluid eternity
stéphane de gérando - Pistill recomposé
stéphane de gérando - My name Is
Quatuor Diotima - Constellation: Iweather - The Afflicted
Quatuor Diotima - Constellation: War - The Survivor
Quatuor Diotima - Constellation: Technology - The Fool
Quatuor Diotima - Constellation: Light - The Sage
Quatuor Diotima - Constellation: Industrial Revolution - The God
Nicholas Isherwood - A Flower
Nicholas Isherwood - A Chant with Claps
Nicholas Isherwood - Sonnekus2
Nicholas Isherwood - The Wonderful Widow of 18 Springs
Nicholas Isherwood - Nowth upon Nacht
Nicholas Isherwood - Experiences No. 2
Nicholas Isherwood - Ryoanji (version for vocal and percussion)
Nicholas Isherwood - Noirval
Gérard Pape - Light und klang
Nicholas Isherwood - Teatri
Leo Kupper - Lumière sans ombre
Boston Camerata - "Oyez, Seigneur, comment parla"
Boston Camerata - "Quem vidistis, pastores" ... "Resonent omnes ecclesia"
Boston Camerata - "Lux optata claruit"
Nicholas Isherwood - Wo ma
Julia Sukmanova - St. John Passion (Sung in German):The Word: Im Anfang war das Wort, und das Wort war bei Gott (Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:Easter Morning: Christus ist auferstanden von den Toten! (Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:Mary Magdalene: Am ersten Tag der Woche kam Maria Magdalena fruhmorgens zum Grab (Bass, Soprano, Chorus 1, Chorus 2)
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:Christ's First Appearance to his Disciples: Receive the Holy Spirit: Es war am Abend jenes Tages (Bass, Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Soprano)
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:Christ's First Appearance to his Disciples: I will not Believe: Thomas aber, einer der zwolf Junger, war nicht bei ihnen (Bass, Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Soprano, Tenor, Baritone)
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:The Rider on a White Horse: Und dann sah ich (Baritone, Tenor, Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Soprano)
Julia Sukmanova - St. John Easter:Christ's Second Appearance to his Disciples: Do not Doubt: Und nach acht Tagen erschien Jesus erneut und sprach (Bass)
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:Interlude
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:Christ's Second Appearance to his Disciples: I am the Living Bread: Ich bin das lebendige Brot, das vom Himmel gekommen ist (Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Tenor)
Helmuth Rilling - St. John Easter:Christ's Second Appearance to his Disciples: The Darkness is Passing Away: Die Finsternis vergeht, und sogleich scheint das wahre (Soprano, Chorus 1, Tenor)
Frank Strobel - Der Kobold (The Goblin), Op. 3:Act II Scene 2: Still! Vielbesung'nes Sonnen Erwachen! (Jeanette, Graf, Grafin)
Nicholas Isherwood - Songs, Drones and Refrains of Death:Death-Drone II
Nicholas Isherwood - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 1: Aria: Pur ritorno - Recit: Mà, o Ciel
Nicholas McGegan - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 1: Arietta: Vieni, o cara - Recit: Che mai farò
Nicholas McGegan - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 1: Terzetto: E quando mai?
Nicholas McGegan - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 2: Aria: Basta, che sol tù chieda - Recit: Favorevol
Nicholas McGegan - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 3: Aria: Io di Roma il Giove sono
Nicholas McGegan - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 3: Recit: Adorato mio sposo
Capella Savaria - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 2: Chorus: Di timpani, e trombe - Recit: Nella Brittania
Nicholas McGegan - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 2: Aria: Cade il Mondo
Capella Savaria - Agrippina, HWV 6, Act 2: Recit: Signor, quanto il mio core
Armand Angster - Roméo et Juliette:2. Le début
Armand Angster - Roméo et Juliette:1. Prologue
Armand Angster - Roméo et Juliette:3. Le matin
Armand Angster - Roméo et Juliette:4. Avant
Armand Angster - Roméo et Juliette:7. Le soir
Julien Combey - Roméo et Juliette:8. La fin
Armand Angster - Roméo et Juliette:9. Epilogue
Nicholas Isherwood - Monologue