Ex Cathedra
Ex Cathedra热门歌曲
Jeffrey Skidmore - Platée, RCT 53: Aux langueurs d'Apollon
Ex Cathedra - Salve Regina
Ex Cathedra - Waiting Room I
Ex Cathedra - Stabat Mater (RV 621)
Ex Cathedra - Prelude
Jeffrey Skidmore - La lyre enchantée: II. Gavotte. Lyre enchanteresse
Ex Cathedra - Daphnis et Alcimadure, Act I: Scene 2. Gasouillats auzeléts
Jeffrey Skidmore - Laudate pueri: III. A solis ortu
Ex Cathedra - Laudate pueri: IV. Alleluia
Ex Cathedra - Venite, exsultemus: IV. Venite, adoremus
Carolyn Sampson - La lyre enchantée: III. Écoutons … D'un doux frémissement
Jeffrey Skidmore - La lyre enchantée: V. Contredanse
Carolyn Sampson - Cantate Domino, S. 72: V. Viderunt omnes termini terrae
Carolyn Sampson - Venite, exsultemus: VI. Hodie si vocem
Jeffrey Skidmore - Philomèle, Prologue: Scene 1. Ah! quand reviendront nos beaux jours?
Ex Cathedra - Te Deum laudamus, S. 32: IX. Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem
Carolyn Sampson - Salve regina: II. Ad te clamamus, exsules, filii Evae
Ex Cathedra - The Introduction - Part II
Ex Cathedra - Postlude
Alec Roth - Shared Ground: Lost
Alec Roth - Earthrise: Part III: A Plea For True Wisdom And Understanding
Alec Roth - Hymn To Gaia I (Homeric Text)
Alec Roth - Hymn To Gaia II (Orphic Text)
Alec Roth - Sol Justitiae
Alec Roth - Shared Ground: 2. Oak
Alec Roth - Shared Ground: 3. And
Alec Roth - Ponticelli: 1. Flat Bridge
Alec Roth - Ponticelli: 2. Bridge Of Sighs
Alec Roth - Ponticelli: 5. Rustic Bridge
Alec Roth - The Flower
Alec Roth - Earthrise: Part I: Man’s Drive To Explore And Exploit
Alec Roth - Earthrise: Part II: Contemplation Of The Earth Seen From Space
Alec Roth - Shared Ground: 1. Lost
Alec Roth - Shared Ground: 4. Host
Ex Cathedra - Deus omnipotens: I. Deum omnipotens
Ex Cathedra - Deus omnipotens: II. Redemptor mundi
Jeffrey Skidmore - Pater fili paraclete
Jeffrey Skidmore - Mulieres sedentes: II. Christus factus est
Ex Cathedra - Hora nona: I. Hora nona
Jeffrey Skidmore - O Domine Jesu Christe
Ex Cathedra - Laboravi in gemitu meo
Ex Cathedra - Nolite fieri: I. Nolite fieri
Ex Cathedra - Nolite fieri: II. Multa flagella peccatoris
Jeffrey Skidmore - Levavi oculos meos: I. Levavi oculos
Ex Cathedra - Levavi oculos meos: II. Ecce non dormitabit
Ex Cathedra - Mulieres sedentes: I. Mulieres sedentes
Ex Cathedra - Hora nona: II. Latus eius
Jeffrey Skidmore - O Rex gloriae
Ex Cathedra - Missa Ego flos campi: I. Kyrie
Ex Cathedra - Los coflades de la estleya
Jeffrey Skidmore - Ut queant laxis
Ex Cathedra - Missa Ego flos campi: III. Credo
Ex Cathedra - Qhapaq eterno Dios
Jeffrey Skidmore - Missa San Ignacio: I. Kyrie
Jeffrey Skidmore - Xicochi conetzintle
Jeffrey Skidmore - Versa est in luctum
Jeffrey Skidmore - Missa San Ignacio: II. Gloria
Jeffrey Skidmore - Hanacpachap cussicuinin
Ex Cathedra - Missa Ego flos campi: II. Gloria
Jeffrey Skidmore - Missa Ego flos campi: IV. Sanctus & Benedictus