Gerlinde Saemann
Gerlinde Saemann热门歌曲
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Recitative: Why was I born a princess, rais'd on high (Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Aria: How blest the maid ordained to dwell (Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Missa nigra:Sanctus - Benedictus
Gerlinde Saemann - Missa nigra:Sonata - Kyrie
Gerlinde Saemann - Missa nigra:Gloria
Gerlinde Saemann - Missa nigra:Credo
Gerlinde Saemann - Missa nigra:Agnus dei
Gerlinde Saemann - Delectus, Op. 1:Plorate, ululate mortales
Gerlinde Saemann - Delectus, Op. 1:Alma redemptoris mater
Gerlinde Saemann - Delectus, Op. 1:Ave Regina Coelorum
Gerlinde Saemann - Delectus, Op. 1:Age plaude, mens devota
Gerlinde Saemann - Delectus, Op. 1:Exultate corda devota
Gerlinde Saemann - Delectus, Op. 1:Cantate laudes Mariae
Gerlinde Saemann - Laudate pueri
Gerlinde Saemann - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Accompagnato: The song began from Jove (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Air: With ravish'd ears (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Accompagnato: He chose a mournful muse (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Air: He sung Darius great and good (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Accompagnato: With downcast looks (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Air: Softly sweet (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Air: War, he sung, is toil and trouble (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 1: Air: The Prince, unable to conceal his pain (Soprano)
Joachim Carlos Martini - Alexander's Feast, HWV 75:Part 2: Air and Chorus: Thais led the way (Soprano and Chorus)
Gerlinde Saemann - Herr, wie lange wiltu mein so gar vergessen
Gerlinde Saemann - Aus der Tiefe
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act I: Recitative: Ye faithful followers of the wretched Iole (Iole, First Oechalian)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act I: Aria: Daughter of Gods, bright liberty! (Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act I: Recitative: But hark! The victor comes! (Iole)
Peter Kooij - Hercules, HWV 60:Act I: Recitative: Thanks to the pow'rs above (Hercules, Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act I: Aria: My father! Ah, methinks I see (Iole)
Nicola Wemyss - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Recitative: It must be so! Fame speaks aloud my wrongs (Dejanira, Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Recitative: Whence this unjust suspicion? (Iole, Dejanira)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Ah, think what ills the jealous prove! (Iole)
Knut Schoch - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Recitative: She knows my passion, and has heard me breathe (Hyllus, Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Aria: Banish love from thy breast (Iole)
Nicola Wemyss - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Recitative: But see, the princess Iole. Retire! (Dejanira, Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Aria: Still caressing and caress'd (Iole)
Nicola Wemyss - Hercules, HWV 60:Act II: Duet: Joys of freedom, joys of pow'r (Dejanira, Iole)
Nicola Wemyss - Hercules, HWV 60:Act III: Recitative: Lo! The fair fatal cause of all this ruin! (Dejanira, Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act III: Aria: My breast with tender pity swells (Iole)
Knut Schoch - Hercules, HWV 60:Act III: Recitative: How blest is Hyllus, if the lovely Iole (Hyllus, Iole)
Gerlinde Saemann - Hercules, HWV 60:Act III: Duet: Oh prince, whose virtues all admire (Iole, Hyllus)