Philip Potter
Philip Potter热门歌曲
Philip Potter - 27. Ah leave me not to pine alone and desolate
Ann Hood - The woman of the wisest wit
Philip Potter - 4. Oh false one you have deceived me
Philip Potter - 6. Stop! ladies pray! A man!
Philip Potter - 7. Oh is there not one maiden breast
Philip Potter - 11. How beautifully blue the sky
Philip Potter - 12. Stay we must not lose our senses
Philip Potter - 16. Hail Poetry thou heav'n born maid!
Philip Potter - 17. You may go for you're at liberty
Philip Potter - 18. Pray observe the magnanimity
Philip Potter - 20. Then Frederic
Philip Potter - 22. Now for the pirates lair!
Philip Potter - 23. When you had left our pirate fold
Philip Potter - 24. Away away my heart's on fire
Philip Potter - 25. All is prepared
Philip Potter - 26. Stay Fred'ric stay!
Philip Potter - 34. Hush! Hush! Not a word
Philip Potter - 36. Now what is this and what is that
Philip Potter - 39. Poor wand'ring ones though ye have surely straye
Philip Potter - 3. Today we meet...Ida was a twelve:month old
Philip Potter - 6. P'raps if you address the lady most politely
Philip Potter - 10. Gently gently evidently
Philip Potter - 11. I am a maiden cold and stately
Philip Potter - 12. The world is but a broken toy
Philip Potter - 13. A lady fair of lineage high
Philip Potter - The woman of the wisest wit
Philip Potter - 18. Oh joy! Our chief is sav'd
Philip Potter - "Is life a boon?"
Philip Potter - "Oh Sergeant Meryll" - "Ye Tower Warders" - "Leonard Meryll!" - "Forbear my friends" - "Didst thou not" - "Leonard!" - "As escort for the prisoner"
Philip Potter - "Free from his fetters grim"
Margaret Eales - "Strange adventure!"
Philip Potter - "Hark! What was that sir?":"Who fired that shot?" "Like a ghost his vigil keeping..." - "The river must be dragged"
Philip Potter - "A man who would woo a fair maid"
Philip Potter - "When a wooer goes a:wooing"
Margaret Eales - "Comes the pretty young bride":"'Tis said to you" - "Hold pretty one!"
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company - Patience / Act 1:Now tell us, we pray you
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company - Patience / Act 1:Your maiden hearts, ah, do steel
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company - Patience / Act 1:List Reginald, whilst I confess a love that's all...
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company - Patience / Act 2:It's clear that the mediaeval art alone retains...
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company - Patience / Act 2:If Saphir I choose to marry, I shall be fixed...
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company - Patience / Act 2:After much debate internal, I on Lady Jane decide
Sir Malcolm Sargent - The Mikado or The Town of Titipu / Act 2:30. The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la
Sir Malcolm Sargent - The Mikado or The Town of Titipu / Act 1:3. A wand'ring minstrel I