The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral热门歌曲
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Quatre petites prières de Saint-François d’Assise, FP 142:I. Salut, dame Sainte
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Quatre petites prières de Saint François d’Assise, FP 142:II. Tout puissant, trés saint
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Quatre petites prières de Saint François d’Assise, FP 142:III. Seigneur, je vous en prie
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Quatre petites prières de Saint-François d’Assise, FP 142:IV. O mes trés chers fréres
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Der Geistertanz, D.494
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Leise, leise lasst uns singen, D.635
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Ave Maria
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Quatre petites prières de Saint François d’Assise, FP 142:II. Tout puissant, trés saint
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Quatre petites prières de Saint François d’Assise, FP 142: III. Seigneur, je vous en prie
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Quatre Petites Prieres de Saint Francois d`Assise, FP142: II. Tout puissant, trés saint
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Ave Maria
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Three Male Choruses, JW IV/19:I. Parting
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Three Male Choruses, JW IV/19:II. The Dove
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Three Male Choruses, JW IV/19:III. The Jealous Man
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Beata viscera Marae Virginis
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Ave Maria
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - I Have Done My Duty
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Hear Me, O Lord, the Great Support, Z.133
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - O How Amiable Are Thy Dwellings
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - O nata lux de lumine
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Thou, O God art praised in Zion
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Great Lord of Lords
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Ave verum corpus
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Comfort the Soul of Thy Servant
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - God Be in My Head
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - O Domine Deus
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - O Deus meus et omnia
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Mine Eyes for Beauty Pine
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - By the Waters of Babylon
The Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral - Their Sound Is Gone Out