Sherezade Panthaki
Sherezade Panthaki热门歌曲
Cantata Collective - Mass in B Minor, BWV 232 - Missa (Kyrie & Gloria): II. Christie eleison (Live)
Washington Bach Consort - The Contest between Phoebus and Pan, BWV 201, Recit: "Und du bist doch"
Washington Bach Consort - The Contest between Phoebus and Pan, BWV 201, Recit: "Pan, rücke deine Kehle nun"
Washington Bach Consort - The Contest between Phoebus and Pan, BWV 201, Recit: "Du guter Midas, geh nun hin"
Washington Bach Consort - A New Song, Trio: "Time"
Washington Bach Consort - The Contest between Phoebus and Pan, BWV 201, Aria: "Patron, das macht der Wind"
Washington Bach Consort - The Contest between Phoebus and Pan, BWV 201, Recit: "Wie, Midas, bist du toll?"
Washington Bach Consort - A New Song, Chorus: "Now seems old"
Washington Bach Consort - A New Song, Song: "Every story"
Music of the Baroque - Messiah, HWV 56: No. 14, And Suddenly, There Was with the Angel a Multitude (Live)
Music of the Baroque - Messiah, HWV 56: No. 46, If God Be for Us Who Can Be Against Us (Live)
Music of the Baroque - Messiah, HWV 56: No. 13, There Were Shepheards Abiding in the Field (Live)
Music of the Baroque - Messiah, HWV 56: No. 16, Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion (Live)
Music of the Baroque - Messiah, HWV 56: No. 17, He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd (Live)
Music of the Baroque - Messiah, HWV 56: No. 34, How Beautiful Are the Feet of Him (Live)
Music of the Baroque - Messiah, HWV 56: No. 40, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Live)
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:I. Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:III. Doch Gott muß mir genädig sein
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:IV. Tief gebückt und voller Reue
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:V. Auf diese Schmerzensreu
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:VI. Ich, dein betrübtes Kind
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:VIII. Wie freudig ist mein Herz
Sherezade Panthaki - Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78:II. Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten
Sherezade Panthaki - Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke, BWV 84:I. Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke
Sherezade Panthaki - Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke, BWV 84:II. Gott ist mir ja nichts schuldig
Sherezade Panthaki - Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke, BWV 84:III. Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot
Sherezade Panthaki - Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke, BWV 84:IV. Im Schweiße meines Angesichts
Sherezade Panthaki - Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke, BWV 84:V. Ich leb indes in dir vergnüget
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:II. Stumme Seufzer, stille Klagen
Sherezade Panthaki - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199:VII. Ich lege mich in diese Wunden
Sherezade Panthaki - Non ve ne state a ridere
Sherezade Panthaki - Che volete, o crude pene
Sherezade Panthaki - Io mi parto, o cara vita
Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park - Requiem, Op. 48: I. Introït et Kyrie (Live)
Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park - Requiem, Op. 48: II. Offertoire (Live)
Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park - Requiem, Op. 48: III. Sanctus (Live)
Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park - Requiem, Op. 48: VII. In paradisum (Live)
Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park - Requiem, Op. 48: IV. Pie Jesu (Live)
Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park - Requiem, Op. 48: V. Agnus Dei (Live)
Bach Festival Society Of Winter Park - Requiem, Op. 48: VI. Libera me (Live)
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 1: Fair Asenath, I've Asked Thee of Thy Father
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: How Vast a Theme Has Egypt for Applause!
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: Phanor, We Mention Not His Highest Glory
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: Together, Lovely Innocents, Grow Up
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: The Silver Stream
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: Tell Me, Oh Tell Me Thy Heart's Malady
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 3: Whence So Disturb'd, My Lord
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 3: Ah Jealousy, Thou Pelican
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 3: Oh, Wrong Me Not!
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 3: Art Thou Not Zaphnath?
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 1: O Lovely Youth, with Wisdom Crown'd
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 1: Whence This Unwonted Ardour in My Breast
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 1: I Feel a Spreading Flame
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 1: Celestial Virgin! Godlike Youth!
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: Our Fruits, Whilst Yet in Blossom, Die
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: He Then Is Silent
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 2: Whence, Asenath, This Grief That Hangs upon Thee?
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 3: What Say'st Thou, Phanor?
James Miller - Handel: Joseph and His Brethren:Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59, Pt. 3: The Wanton Favours of the Great
Sherezade Panthaki - Gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna (Arr. A. Ohrwall)