Noisy Friends - Esnatuko
Anti-Music - Digitally Ubiquitous
Totteridge Rodeo Ostentatious Luta Lord - March of the Lethophobic Lemmings
Zarqnon the Embarrassed - Wackelt Viel
Coil Zappa - Desultory Doorways
Dada Hanatarash - Piecemeal Platypi
Dar Quave - JoyfUl joYfUl
Coil Zappa - Ear Loofahs
Anti-Music - Spasmodic of the Esoteric
Zarqnon the Embarrassed - Sorry, But I Forgot to Sync
Frank Pusher - For the Beauty of the Isochronous
Coil Zappa - Does Not Fit in With the Rest
ddadyrddau - Fragmentary Exfoliating
Frank Pusher - Parallax
Noisy Friends - Zaphod's Quest (XLII)
Kenji Vitiello - Black–Scholes (Nature of collapse Mix)
Anti-Music - Gorgonized Garden Gnomes
Anti-Music - The Long and Random Road (double-slit experiment Edit)
Zarqnon the Embarrassed - HerE in thiS placE (Scott Cooper Edit)
Anti-Music - AlaS and Did My SaVior BleeD
Zarqnon the Embarrassed - Be ThOu mY VisiOn
Anti-Music - Dingleberry Winds
Anti-Music - King Wamba of the Visigoths puts down the revolt DCLXXII
Kenji Vitiello - Markov Chain (Buckypaper Remix)
Skaldskaparmal - Anomalous Diffusion (quantum decoherence Edit)
Anti-Music - On Track for Dissolution
Dar Quave - Jargogled Twatter
Abstract Music - Random Being
Abstract Music - Being Random
Abstract Music - Sense of Being
Random - Being Sense
Abstract Music - Overloaded Senses
Fuzzy Snakes - Drummer and his Chaos
Fuzzy Snakes - Gurgly and Fuddy
They Call Me Bucky Paper - Vocalist No Show - Irreconcilable Dissolution of Clatter
They Call Me Bucky Paper - Bass and Drum and Chaos
ddadyrddau - Drum and Bass
Zarqnon the Embarrassed - Rhythmless
Zarqnon the Embarrassed - Skipping to a Quasar (Waiting for the Floor to Drop)
Anti-Music - The Rightful Heir Arrives to Conquer the Clay from Which He Was Made (And Noone Was There to Congratulate Him)
xaos musiqi - Eminent and Elliptical (Abrasion and Affect)
Experimental Electronic Playground - Trafffic Jam (Broken Lights)
ddadyrddau - The March of the Ents (Grendel's Thwarting)
Anti-Music - Victory Dance of the Rhombically Disengaged
musique industrielle - An Unreasonable Final Song
Experimental Electronic Playground - The Entrance Fee is High (We Hope You Enjoy the Ride)
xaos musiqi - Melodies Escaping the Black Hole (a Singularity in Diffusion)
Anti-Music - Highlander II: The Quickening (Pufnstuf Remake)
Campi Muziq - Broken Mainframe in c minor (999)
xaos musiqi - The Attack of the Acantharians
Industrial Music Factory - Filler Noise
Anti-Music - Lattice Random Walk (Copenhagen Interpretation Edit)
ddadyrddau - Go-Reizei Ascends the Throne (MXLV)
Industrial Music Factory - King Wamba of the Visigoths Puts Down the Revolt (DCLXXIII)
DarkWave - Kamatari receives the surname Fujiwara (DCLXIX)
Industrial Music Factory - Seneqerim-Hovhannes of Vaspurakan Surrenders (MXXI)
Experimental Electronic Playground - More Filler Noise
Industrial Music Factory - King Cenwalh of ****** dies and is succeeded by Seaxburh (DCLXXII)
Dar Quave - The Year of the Consulship of Agricola and Clementinus (CCXXX: Ab Urbe Condita)
Chaos Meditations - Danny's Dinosaur and the Darboux Derivative