Rolf Leanderson
Rolf Leanderson热门歌曲
Rolf Leanderson - 5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady, BB 72:I. Harom oszi konnycsepp (Autumn Tears)
Rolf Leanderson - Herren ar min Herde
Rolf Leanderson - Lieder um den Tod (Songs About Death), Op. 62:I. Voglein Schwermut (Little Bird Melancholy)
Rolf Leanderson - 5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady, BB 72:II. Az oszi larma (Autumn Sounds)
Rolf Leanderson - 6 Moralische Kantaten: No. 5. Die Landlust, TWV 20:33:II. Recitative
Rolf Leanderson - 5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady, BB 72:III. Az agyam hivogat (My Bed is Calling)
Rolf Leanderson - 5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady, BB 72:IV. Egyedul a tengerrel (Alone with the Sea)
Rolf Leanderson - The Fairy Queen, Z. 629:'Tis Nature's Voice
Rolf Leanderson - Dolc' e pur d'amor l'affanno, HWV 109:Aria
Rolf Leanderson - Dagdrivaren (The Shepherd Of Days):II. Lyran i hans minne (The lyre of his memory)
Rolf Leanderson - Dolc' e pur d'amor l'affanno, HWV 109:Recitative
Rolf Leanderson - Ew'ge Quell, milder Strom, TWV 1:546:Recitative - Arioso
Rolf Leanderson - Ew'ge Quell, milder Strom, TWV 1:546:Aria
Rolf Leanderson - How long, great God, Z. 189
Rolf Leanderson - The earth trembled, Z. 197, "On our Saviour's Passion"
Rolf Leanderson - Alleluja
Rolf Leanderson - Amen
Rolf Leanderson - 14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs):I. Varsang (A Spring Song)
Rolf Leanderson - Lieder der Liebe No. 1 (Songs about Love No. 1), Op. 60:I. Mein Herz ist leer (My Heart is Empty)
Rolf Leanderson - Sanger om fortrostan (Songs about Confidence):I. Om fortrostan (On Trusting)
Rolf Leanderson - Lieder der Liebe No. 2 (Songs About Love No. 2), Op. 61:IV. Uber die tausend Berge (Over a Thousand Mountains)
Rolf Leanderson - Islossningen, Op. 9
Rolf Leanderson - Gud, var mig nadig (after Saint - Saens' Ave verum)
Rolf Leanderson - Allenast i Gud soker min sjal sin ro
Rolf Leanderson - En vintervisa
Rolf Leanderson - Drivsno
Rolf Leanderson - Karleken ar en rosenlund
Rolf Leanderson - Bon (Tala, alskade, Tala)
Rolf Leanderson - Det var en gang
Rolf Leanderson - Bortom berg och morka vatten
Rolf Leanderson - Barmhartig och nadig ar Herren
Rolf Leanderson - Kommen till en fader ater
Rolf Leanderson - Herre, djupen ropa dig
Rolf Leanderson - Ack, saliga, saliga
Rolf Leanderson - Men jag horde en sang
Rolf Leanderson - Det ar nagot bortom begen
Rolf Leanderson - Odesvisan
Rolf Leanderson - Jag ville vara tarar
Rolf Leanderson - Var stilla, hjarta
Rolf Leanderson - Gammal sorg
Rolf Leanderson - Det ar vackrast nar det skymmer
Rolf Leanderson - Hon och doden
Rolf Leanderson - Om varen