Prague National Theatre Chorus
Prague National Theatre Chorus热门歌曲
Milada Subrtova - Rusalka. Opera in 3 Acts, Op. 114, Act 3 "Uprooted and banished"
Václav Bednář - The Bartered Bride: Overture
Karel Kalaš - The Secret. Comic opera in three Acts: Act 3:Scene 3 "Hah - 'tis him! And alive!" - "What's happening here?"
Prague Smetana Theatre Orchestra - Mother - Quarter-tone Opera in 10 Scenes, Op. 35: Overture
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 1. Overture
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Cunning Little Vixen: Act II, Scene VI, "My name is Goldskin"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Cunning Little Vixen: Act III, Scene VII-Orchestral Introduction. At the Edge of the Forest "When I was a vagabond"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Cunning Little Vixen: Act I, Orchestral Introduction. A Dark, Dry Gorge
Miroslav Kopp - The King and the Charcoal Burner, ., Act III, Scene 1 - 2: "Warmly, O Beautiful Ladies" (Jeník, mladý uhlíř, Kavalíři, Kavalíři)
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Macropulos Case. Opera in 3 Acts: 12. Act 2 "And can you tell me real name of this Ellian?"
Stepanka Stepanova - The Secret, ., Act III, Scene 3: "Hah - ´tis him! And alive! - What´s happening here?" (Malina, konšel, Kalina, konšel, panna Róza, sestra Malinova, Blaženka, dcera Malinova, Vít, syn Kalinův, myslivec)
Ivan Kusnjer - Dalibor. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene IV, "Let so it be!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 10: "Eh, your flight was in vain!" (Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský, Varneman, setník Braniborů, Jíra, poběhlík, Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
Emil Hlobil - Op. 60: Anna Karenina. The Opera
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act III, "Hear Me, Eternal Sky"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act III, "Where Have You Brought Me, Awful Treachery?"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act III, "Look How Weak I Am"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Overture
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "Shadows of Departed Souls"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "Sarko - It's you! - You Too Are Wandering"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "With Grieving Hearts"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "Oh You Fainthearted Maidens!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "Welcome, Mighty Premysl, Our Ruler!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "Oh You Men, You Boastful Vipers!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "In the Sacred Name"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act I, "Arise, Vlasta!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act II, "Silence Reigns All Around"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act II, "You Are Mine, And No One Will Take You Away!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Sarka: Act II, "Woe! Away! Quickly Away!"
Rudolf Asmus - The Cunning Little Vixen, ., Act I, Scene 2: "You Should Have Followed My Example! You Shouldn´t Have Tried to Run Away!" (revírník, paní revírníková - sova, Bystrouška, datel - Lapák, pes, kohout, Chocholka,slípka - sojka)
Prague National Theatre Chorus - House of Death: Act 1, Introduction: "Today they?ll bring a gentleman!"
Václav Bednář - House of Death: Act 1, "What?s your name?"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - House of Death: Act 1, "Wretched creature! It resists!"
Václav Bednář - House of Death: Act 1, "Never again will my eyes behold my birthplace"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - House of Death: Act 1 - "Alieia, get me a thread!"
Václav Bednář - House of Death: Act 2, Introduction
Prague National Theatre Chorus - House of Death: Act 2, "La - la- la....The Play about Kedril and Don Juan...."
Prague National Theatre Chorus - House of Death: Act 2, "The pantomime about the miller?s beautiful wife"
Václav Bednář - House of Death: Act 2, "Nice plays, weren?t they?"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - House of the Death: Act 3, "O brothers! That pain is nothing"
Eva Urbanová - Libuše
Various Artists - Dalibor. Opera in 3 Acts.: Act 1 - Oh, didst thou hear it, friend, in heaven's regions?
Prague National Theatre Chorus - Libuše, Act 3 Scene 1: Peace Is Made Again Between Two Brothers
Bedrich Smetana - The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act I, Scene I, "Let us rejoice, let's be merry"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act II, Scene I, "Beer's no doubt a gift from heaven..."
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act II, Scene VI, "Come inside, people..." (Finale)
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene IX, "What have you decided, Marenka?" (Finale)
Bedrich Smetana - The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Overture
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Bartered Bride. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene X, "Save yourselves! The bear has got loose!"
Prague Smetana Theatre Orchestra - Mother - Quarter-tone Opera in 10 Scenes, Op. 35: Scene 1 - Funeral March
Ludmila Komancová - Katya Kabanova. Opera in 3 Acts: 23. Act 3 - No! There is no one here!
Jaroslav Krombholc - Katya Kabanova. Opera in 3 Acts: 25. Act 3 - I have been longing for you!
Jaroslav Krombholc - Katya Kabanova. Opera in 3 Acts: 1. Act 1, Introduction
Jaroslav Krombholc - Katya Kabanova. Opera in 3 Acts: 21. Act 3 - Pst! Pst! It seems that it is he!
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Cunning Little Vixen. Opera in 3 Acts: Act I, Introduction
Prague National Theatre Orchestra - The Cunning Little Vixen. Opera in 3 Acts: Act I, Change of Scene, "What a Surprise, isn't it, Lapák"
Prague National Theatre Orchestra - The Cunning Little Vixen. Opera in 3 Acts: Act I, Scene II, "The vixen appears as a maiden"
Prague National Theatre Orchestra - The Cunning Little Vixen. Opera in 3 Acts: Act I, Scene II, "You should have followed my example! You shouldn't have tried to run away!"
Prague National Theatre Orchestra - The Cunning Little Vixen. Opera in 3 Acts: Act II, Scene IV, Change of Scene, "Yes, things will be much better in Strá?!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus - The Cunning Little Vixen. Opera in 3 Acts: Act II, Scene IV, "Either my centre of gravity is shifting or the earth is turning from west to east"