Sven-David Sandström
Sven-David Sandström热门歌曲
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: Du Kvæger i Ørken Den Tørstende Sjæl
State Choir Latvija - 4 Songs of Love:No. 1, Let Him Kiss Me
State Choir Latvija - 4 Songs of Love:No. 4, His Left Hand
Kammerchor Hannover - Choral: Unter deinen Schirmen
Kammerchor Hannover - Choral: Trotz dem alten Drachen
Kammerchor Hannover - Chor: Ihr aber seid nicht fleischlich
Kammerchor Hannover - Chor: So aber Christus in euch ist
Kammerchor Hannover - Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir (Motette)
Kammerchor Hannover - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
Kammerchor Hannover - Lobet den Herrn in seinen Taten
Kammerchor Hannover - Choral: Jesu, meine Freude
Kammerchor Hannover - Chor: Es ist nun nichts Verdammliches
Kammerchor Hannover - Chor: Denn das Gesetz des Geistes
Kammerchor Hannover - Choral: Weg mit allen Schätzen
Kammerchor Hannover - Choral: Gute Nacht, o Wesen
Kammerchor Hannover - Chor: So nun der Geist
Kammerchor Hannover - Choral: Weicht, ihr Trauergeister
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St. John: Darkness Struck The Face
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: Der Er Fattigt I Mine Øjne
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: And Yet He Was The Christ
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: About The Same Time
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: Now Before The Feast of Passover
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: Lo, Now Speakest Thou Plainly
Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir - The Passion of St John: He Was Brought As a Lamb to the Slaughter
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: The High Priest Then Asked Jesus
Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir - The Passion of St John: Lange Gader Af Latter
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: Lad Mig Føle, Hver Gang Når
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: After This, Jesus Knowing
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: Nu Brænder Dagens Skibe
Sven-David Sandström - The Passion of St John: He Used to Say
Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir - Kyrie - Fem strofer till Thoreau
Sven-David Sandström - Preludium
Sven-David Sandström - Paret
Sven-David Sandström - Resan
Sven-David Sandström - C-dur
Sven-David Sandström - Längre in
Sven-David Sandström - Credo - Espresso
Sven-David Sandström - I Nildeltat
Sven-David Sandström - Sanctus - Madrigal
Sven-David Sandström - Från juli 90
Sven-David Sandström - Postludium
Sven-David Sandström - Elegi
Sven-David Sandström - April och tystnad
Sven-David Sandström - Haikudikter I
Henry Purcell - Hear my prayer, o Lord
Henry Purcell - Hear My Prayer, O Lord
Festivalensemble Stuttgart - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 1, Comfort Ye, My People
Timothy Fallon - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 2, Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted
Robin Johannsen - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 4, Thus Saith the Lord
Roxana Constantinescu - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 5, But Who May Abide
Robin Johannsen - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 7, Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive
Timothy Fallon - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 8, O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Sion
Festivalensemble Stuttgart - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 9, For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth
Festivalensemble Stuttgart - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 13, Glory to God in the Highest
Festivalensemble Stuttgart - Messiah / Pt. 1:No. 17, His Yoke is Easy
Michael Nagy - Messiah / Pt. 2:No. 19, He Was Despised and Rejected
Michael Nagy - Messiah / Pt. 2:No. 21, And With His Stripes We Are Healed
Timothy Fallon - Messiah / Pt. 2:No. 23, All They that See Him
Robin Johannsen - Messiah / Pt. 2:No. 25, Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart
Robin Johannsen - Messiah / Pt. 2:No. 26, Behold, and See