Salomone Rossi
Salomone Rossi热门歌曲
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Qadish
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Shir hamma'alor, ashrei kol y're adonai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Mizmor l'asaf, elohim nitstav ba'adat'el
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Bar'khu
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Lamnatstseah 'al hashsh' minit mizmor
Studentenkoor Gica - Al naharot Bavel (Psalm 137) (feat. Salomone Rossi)
Studentenkoor Gica - Shir hama’alot (Psalm 126) (feat. Salomone Rossi)
Constantinople - Sinfonia quinta (Excerpt)
The Royal Wind Music - Odecha ki'Anitani
The Royal Wind Music - Sinfonia
The Royal Wind Music - Gagliarda detta Narciso
Oleg Kogan - Kedusha (Live)
Capella de la Torre - Kaddish à 5
Salomone Rossi - Il terzo libro de varie sonate, sinfonie..., Op. 12: Sonata in G Major on an Aria by Ruggiero
Symposium Musicum - Sinfonia grave - Gilliarda Massara
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Ele mo'adei adonai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Elohim hasivenu
Kühn Chamber Soloists - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: 'Al naharot bavel
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Mizmor l?? toda
Kühn Chamber Soloists - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Shir hamma?alot, b??shuv adonai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Shir hamma'alot l'david, lulei adonai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Adon ?olam
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Hal??luyah, ode ladonai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Mizmor shir l??yom hashshabat
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: L??mi ehpots
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Q'dusha
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Lamnatstseah binginot mizmor shir
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Hal??luyah hal??li nafshi et adonai
Kühn Chamber Soloists - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Shir hamma?alot, ashrei kol y??re adonai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Lamnatstseah?al hagitit mizmor l?? david
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Hashkivenu
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Qadish
Kühn Chamber Soloists - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Shir lamma?alot, essa einai i
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Y??susum midbar
Kühn Chamber Soloists - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Shir hamma?alot l?? david, lulei adonai
Kühn Chamber Soloists - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Od??kha ki?anitani
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Barukh haba b??shem adonai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Mizmor l??david, havu ladonai b??nei elim
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Eftah na s??fatai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Ein keloheinu
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Eftah shir bisfatai
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Yigfal
Salomone Rossi - The Songs of Solomon - Cycle of 33 Spiritual Songs: Hal??luyah, ashrei ish yare et adonai